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HomeFungusDoes Bleach Kill Fungus On Nails

Does Bleach Kill Fungus On Nails

When To See A Doctor

How to Kill Toenail Fungus With Bleach

Toenail fungus is not a significant problem for most people.

Those most at risk for complications are people with diabetes and those with weakened immune systems. People in either of these groups should seek medical treatment for their toenail fungus and avoid home remedies altogether.

Any person who does not see improvements or has complications as a result of home remedies should talk to their doctor and stop using the home remedy as soon as possible. Always speak to a doctor before trying any treatment for toenail fungus.

Using Bleach For Nail Fungus: Is It Effective

Nail fungus is not exactly a life-threatening condition, but its cosmetically unattractive and painful. Known as onychomycosis by the medical community, the condition is more prevalent than most people realize. Dr. Oz says that about 15 percent of Americans are suffering with this disease. In spite of its prevalence, the condition is very difficult to treat because of where the fungus resides.

A lot of conventional treatments come with a high cost attached, yet the success rate is really low and side-effects drive patients to holistic forms of therapy. The complication of liver damage, for many, seems a high price to pay to get rid of yellow, black or brown nails fungus infected nails.

Some patients take matters into their own hands and use unconventional products like Vicks Vapor Rub, Listerine or bleach. While you may shudder at the thought of using bleach on your skin, people vexed by this ugly fungus think its definitely worth a try. But does bleach kill nail fungus? Read on to find out.

How Do Dermatologists Treat A Fungal Nail Infection

Treatment usually begins with your dermatologist trimming your infected nail, cutting back each infected nail to the place where it attaches to your finger or toe. Your dermatologist may also scrape away debris under the nail. This helps get rid of some fungus.

To completely get rid of the infection, most people also need one or more of the following treatments:

Medicine you apply to the nail: If you have a mild infection, a medicine that you apply to your nails may get rid of the infection. This treatment helps keep new fungus out while the nails grow. Fingernails typically grow out in four to six months. Toenails take longer, usually takes 12 to 18 months.

Probably the most difficult part of this treatment is remembering to use it as often as prescribed. Some treatments must be applied every day. Others you apply once a week. To get the best results, its essential that you apply these medicines exactly as directed.

The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the following medicines that you apply to the nail to treat nail fungus:

  • Amorolfine

  • Efinaconazole

  • Tavaborole

Side effects from these medicines are generally mild. Possible side effects include redness and swelling, an ingrown toenail, and stinging or burning when you apply the medicine. In clinical trials, none of these side effects caused patients to stop using the treatment.

The FDA has approved the following systemic medicines to treat nail fungus:

  • Fluconazole

  • Itraconazole

  • Terbinafine

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Can You File Away Toenail Fungus

With that in mind, I generally encourage healthy adult patients with mild toenail fungus to not treat it or to treat it just using topical measures. For example, you can buff the nail down with a file to keep it thin, so the fungus has less of a home to live in. You should also keep the nail trimmed.

How Fungi Infect The Nail

Nail polish, bleach and vinegar  do they cure toenail ...

Onchomycosis, or toenail fungal infection, is an invasion by a microscopic organism that thrives in warm, damp environments. Fungal spores are in the air, and they will grow if they land on a receptive surface like your toenail. They feed off the nail tissues, burrowing into the skin under the nail. Over time the nail thickens and may lift off the nail bed as fungal debris accumulates. Once your nail is raised off the nail bed, it won’t reattach, and a new nail won’t grow from that part of the nail bed. However, your nail will continue to grow from the root at the base.

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The Supplements And Medicine For Fungus Removal

You can treat the toenail fungus through internal treatments. It is possible by working on your immune system, and letting the body clean the toenail fungus on its own.

Many supplements are exclusively designed to treat toenail fungus or any other skin infection. They may contain probiotics, immunity boosters, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant compounds. These supplements are going to make your body stronger and treat toenail fungus internally.

Staying One Step Ahead Of Toenail Fungus

An established fungal infection is hard to eradicate, but you can stop its spread and improve your toenail’s appearance.

Toenail fungus isn’t a pressing health problem. Yet a fungal infection can ruin the appearance of your nails and cause pain as it lifts the nail away from the nail bed. And fungal infections are notoriously difficult to get rid of. “You may want to consider fungal toenail a condition to be managed rather than cured,” says Dr. James P. Ioli, chief of the podiatry service at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

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Side Effects Of Toenail Fungus Medication

One of the many benefits of using a homeopathic remedy is that there are little to no adverse side effects. Topical treatments often prescribed to treat toenail fungus can potentially burn or blister the skin. Oral medications for treating onychomycosis can cause liver or gastrointestinal damage. Be sure to read your medications list of potential side effects. Consult your pharmacist, physician, or specialist if you are concerned about side effects of prescription drugs.

Can Toenail Fungus Spread Internally

how to get rid of toenail fungus with bleach

Yeast and molds also can cause nail infections. Fungal nail infection can develop in people at any age, but it’s more common in older adults. Toenail fungal infection can start from athlete’s foot , and it can spread from one nail to another. But it is uncommon to get an infection from someone else.

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Can I Use Bleach For Skin Fungus

Although bleach is excellent for killing fungus on certain surfaces, Healthline discourages people from putting it anywhere on the body. Even if bleach is highly diluted, it can burn the skin and cause further injuries. The use of steroids is also discouraged, as it can make the problem worse. It is best to contact a health care provider if there are signs of skin fungal infections, and they cannot be cured with over-the-counter medications.

The signs of skin fungus include flaky, scaly patches or swollen red bumps that may look like pimples. Other symptoms include itching and burning. Scratching can make the problem worse, so it is important to keep your hands off as much as possible. Though it may be tempting, never use bleach for skin fungus. A physician can prescribe a safe solution or use a specialized laser treatment.

How To Prevent Toenail Fungs

Prevention is always better than cure, and so, taking precautions to avoid toenail fungus is as vital as treating the toenail fungus. Some pointers that will help you avoid the embarrassment and stress of dealing with an infected toenail are:

  • Remember to wear flip flops or shower sandals while entering public areas such as gyms, locker rooms, changing rooms near pools, spas, and public showers.
  • Exchange your socks for a clean pair whenever they become sweaty and do not reuse worn socks without washing them.
  • Choose shoes that are a comfortable fit, have breathing room, and keep your feet dry.
  • Regularly put your shoes under direct sunlight to kill any fungus or bacteria.
  • Never wear damp shoes or socks.
  • Use sanitized nail clippers and other nail styling equipment.

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How To Use Bleach For Nail Fungus

Although bleach is said to be beneficial in treating nail fungus, it is a harsh compound that may cause skin burns if used without cautions. Whenever you decide to give bleach a try to help get rid of nail fungus, you will need to mix it with water in equal part. Avoid using merely bleach as it may irritate the skin, resulting in worsened condition. If you are soaking your feet in bleach solution to improve nail fungus-affected toes, it is important to pay close attention to the time length. Avoid excessive soaking to prevent burning and irritation that will lead to another skin problem. Lastly, you should remember that more does not always mean better. Avoid multiplying the advised amount of bleach to use as this will not help getting rid of nail fungus effectively. Instead, it may end up in skin irritation.

Using Bleach To Cure Nail Fungus

how to get rid of toenail fungus with bleach mishkanet com MISHKANET.COM” alt=”How to get rid of toenail fungus with bleach > MISHKANET.COM”>

There have been mixed reviews on the efficacy of bleach to treat nail fungus. Being easily available in most homes and a cheap solution costing a maximum of few dollars, many give it a try. However most people who claim that it worked admit that they used some other method in tandem with their bleach foot baths or soaks. So, it wont be rational to identify bleach as the magical cure all alone.

The process involves soaking your feet once or twice daily for several weeks in a cap full of bleach mixed with water. If you have a mild case of nail fungus then bleach soaks are fine. In case of moderate to severe infection the full strength bleach is directly applied on the affected nail. The chlorine in the diluted solution or otherwise will supposedly make its way to where the fungus lurks and kill it. Watch out though, bleachs being a harsh and powerful chemical it might attack your toenails in a undesired way!

Proponents of the treatment say that patients have to be consistent for the solution to work. So, they must keep at it twice a day for few months if necessary.

The Risks: People with sensitive skin might have a reaction to the bleach and experience discomfort in the form of skin irritation, redness, itching and rashes. If this happens, you should discontinue this form of treatment immediately.

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Can Bleach Be Used In Any Other Way

The fastest way is soaking your feet in the solution, but there are more effective methods too.


You can apply some petroleum jelly or vaseline to the infected area and put about a drop or two of the bleach paste.

Let the mixture settle for about 15 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.


It is the easiest method as you simply must remove the cap and apply it directly on the affected area. It shows results quickly too.

While you do these remedies, ensure that you also apply your ointments and take your antifungal medicines on time.

These are temporary relief measures and not permanent solutions to your fungal infections.

Why Should You Use Bleach For Toenail Fungus

The foremost reason is quite recognized for the usage of bleach is the convenience. Bleach is the best home remedy for toenail fungus and readily available and that too at a lower cost. A good number of people have confirmed that their treatment has been successful with bleach.

If the infection is lesser, the soaks may work. However, if the case is severe, applying the bleach directly is recommended. It can kill the fungal spores and also lighten up the yellow toenails. Nevertheless, talk to your doctors to make an informed decision.

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Will Chlorine Kill Toenail Fungus

It has been discovered that an effective way to treat fungal nail infection comes from applying chlorine dioxide topically, so that it penetrates the nailplate and inactivates pathogens residing in the nailbed for example, by dissolving chlorine dioxide gas in water, permitting the patient to soak the infected fungal

Kill Fungus On Surfaces

Bleach Foot Soak to Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus Naturally Fast and Permanently At Home

Pour the solution of bleach and water into a quart-sized spray bottle.

Spray the bleach solution onto the surface that may have been touched by the fungi that cause toenail fungus.

Allow the bleach solution to stay on the sprayed surface for about 15 minutes.

Rinse the sprayed surfaces with water and wipe them dry with a paper towel.

  • Pour the solution of bleach and water into a quart-sized spray bottle.
  • Allow the bleach solution to stay on the sprayed surface for about 15 minutes.

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What Kind Of Fungi Grows Indoors

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency explains that molds include microscopic fungi that are called hyphae and mildew. These grow in multicellular filaments and can spread quickly. Mold and mildew thrive in moist environments, like shower walls, but they can also grow along windowsills and ceilings and in moist basements. Mold can produce a strong, musty smell, especially when there is little air circulation.

Mold or fungus can also grow on food, paper, clothes and even leather. According to the New York Times, the spores latch onto surfaces and produce dark, fuzzy growth and oftentimes a stinky odor. People with compromised immune systems can become extremely ill when exposed to certain molds, and the fungus can enter the lungs. This can lead to severe health problems. Milder symptoms include sneezing, coughing, watery or itchy eyes, exacerbated asthma symptoms and a runny nose.

What Is The Best Antifungal Medicine

The most widely used are terbinafine for nail infections, miconazole, and nystatin for oral thrush, and fluconazole for vaginal thrush. These usually cause no side-effects. You can even buy fluconazole without a prescription at pharmacies, as it is considered a medicine which is unlikely to cause problems.

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Causes Of Toenail Fungus

The causes of toenail fungus can vary from person to person.

One of the most generic ways people get toenail fungus is from public areas where their feet come into contact with the fungus.

This includes pools, public showers, humid climates, shoes, and socks. Exposure of the fungus from other people is typically the cause.

Since toenail fungus is so contagious, it is important to protect yourself while in these types of environments.

Try wearing flip flops while at the pool or showers to keep a barrier in between your feet and potential fungus.

Also, if you live in a humid environment, are an athlete, physically active, or just have sweaty feet invest in somefoot powder.

If you are older and are male, the chances of toenail fungus are exponentially higher. This is due to the bodys immune system becoming weaker and the decrease in circulation.

Different Methods To Use Chlorine Bleach For Toenail Fungus

How to Kill Toenail Fungus With Bleach

To use chlorine bleach for toenail fungus, you can use two main methods:

  • Soak your feet in chlorine bleach

Soaking your feet in chlorine bleach is one of the common ways to treat nail fungus. It is also the most effective method because it does not irritate the skin. Here is how to prepare chlorine bleach soak.

Fill up a tub or pan with water. At least one of your feet must fit easily in this tub or pan. Take about one cap of chlorine bleach and pour it into the tub. The exact quantity to prepare the soak is to mix one tablespoon of bleach for every gallon of water.

Place your foot in the tub for about fifteen to twenty minutes. Dry your feet after this. You must soak your foot in this soak at least twice a day. If it causes discomfort or itching, then stop foot soak.

Adding essential oils to this foot soak can make it more effective. It includes tea tree oil, oil of oregano, or Epsom salt.

  • Application of Chlorine Bleach to the nail

This is the second way to treat toenail fungus with chlorine bleach. Here is how to apply the chlorine bleach directly

STEP ONE: Apply petroleum jelly to your nail and its surrounding skin.

STEP TWO: All you have to do is dip a cotton bud or cotton in undiluted chlorine bleach.

STEP THREE: The take this cotton bud and apply it to the toenail with fungal infection.

STEP FOUR: Use the other end of the cotton bud or a clean, dry piece of cotton to remove extra bleach from the skin.

  • Bleach pen

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Using Apple Cider Vinegar For Nail Fungus

Apple cider vinegar is an effective treatment for nail fungus. It will create an acidic environment around the nail fungus and make it difficult for the fungal spores to grow. You can make a foot soak, make a spray, or apply it by making a paste of baking soda an apple cider vinegar. It will take almost five months to treat toenail fungus with apple cider vinegar.

Blends Of Essential Oils

The essential oils are very effective in treating toenail fungus. There are several essential oils from tea tree oil to jojoba oil you can pick any oil you like. Mix it with a carrier oil, apply it every day and wait for the results. Essential oils can be harsh on the skin, but the best part is the moisture, the moisture that will keep the toenail nourished throughout the treatment.

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Home Remedies Using Bleach

When trying to find a solution to a toenail fungal infection, there is a variety of over the counter medicines available. But if you are looking for some alternatives that are easily accessible and can be found at home, there is one.

Bleach can be used to toenail fungus as a home remedy, and it has been gaining a lot of popularity over the years.

Bleach, which is sodium hypochlorite, has a formula that can kill 99.99% of fungus, bacteria, and germs. Toenail fungus can be a pain for some because the nail is blocking the fungal spores.

Bleach, like Clorox, can be your helping agent to disinfect your nails. As it kills bacteria, it became one of the popular home remedies.

But always practice caution, as too much bleach can cause damage to the skin like a burning sensation, redness, and some soreness when misused.

Following safety precautions will always be the key when you decide to use bleach to kill the fungal infection. Add a little amount into the water, make sure it is appropriately diluted, and soak your feet in it at the recommended time.

When soaking your foot, it will kill all fungal spores, and it can remove the discoloration that is happening in your toenails. Applying bleach directly to the skin is a no-no situation.


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