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HomeFungusWhat's The Best Way To Treat Nail Fungus

What’s The Best Way To Treat Nail Fungus

Clove Oil Remedy For Toenail Fungus


The clove oil has a very pleasant and strong odor, which makes it a loved choice for nail fungus. It is also known for strong anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.

You must be wondering about the magical substance in clove oil to make it do so, it is the eugenol, according to research it is one of the effective ingredients to kill fungal and bacterial infections.

It is not only a treatment for nail fungus but also for the overall health, and especially the respiratory problems.

How to use clove oil for nail fungus treatment?

Using clove oil directly on the infected toenail is not a wise idea as the clove oil is a strong and reactive compound. It will destroy the skin barrier you need to dilute it first.

  • Use clove oil with Epsom salt. You can add a few drops of clove oil in your bathtub and Epsom salt, this is a convenient method to treat toenail fungus.
  • Apply the diluted clove oil directly on the infected toenail thrice a day.
  • Make a foot soak of baking soda ad add a few drops of clove oil on it.

Pros of clove oil treatment for toenail fungus

  • It will moisten the damaged skin.
  • Is effective in treating the bad odor of nail fungus, giving you a pleasant smell, all those who go out for work and do not want to carry the bad odor, should apply it.
  • It is a readily available essential oil.

Cons of clove oil for nail fungus

  • It takes almost 10 months to show results.
  • It is slightly harsh for people with sensitive skin.
  • You need to buy a separate carrier oil with it.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Nail Fungus

Although some people may refer to these alternative treatments as quack science, there appears to be a little more to these homemade remedies since many individuals have used them to cure their conditions. However, more research still needs to be conducted on the success rate of home remedies for nail fungus.

Some common and supposedly effective alternative treatments include:

  • Apple Cidar Vinegar
  • According to Dr. Josh Axe of the Exodus Health Center, apple cidar vinegar not only helps to soothe sunburns, balance pH in the body, manage blood sugar levels, and aid in weight loss, its also an ingredient that contains anti-fungal properties. As such, many sufferers of fungal nail infection have now turned to this healthy food to cure their conditions.

    The acidic properties of apple cidar vinegar prevent nail fungus from spreading. At the same time, apple cidar vinegar helps to get rid of dead skin cells while killing bacteria and fungi.

    Simply mix it with water in equal parts then soak the infected nails for up to 30 minutes in the solution. Repeat this process daily and pat dry the infected nails after soaking.

  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Another study conducted by Russian researchers showed that a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide had been instrumental in killing off fungus at the radioactive Chernobyl site.

  • Fresh Garlic Cloves
  • Natural Lemon Juice
  • For this remedy, one should simply apply lemon juice on the infected nail for about 30 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

    When To See A Doctor About Toenail Fungus

    If you are experiencing persistent toenail fungus or pain is present, you may need to see a specialist. A dermatologist or podiatrist may be able to assess your symptoms and send a small sample of the affected toenail or flesh to a laboratory to be analyzed as there are various types of fungi and yeasts that cause onychomycosis. Knowing the specific cause of your foot fungus can help identify what route to take to treat your condition.

    Nail changes can also be caused by underlying conditions, like psoriasis and diabetes, so its important to seek professional medical advice if your condition persists or worsens. Bacterial and fungal infection of skin in diabetes patients often result in hospital admissions, and in severe cases, can result in amputations. If you are at a higher risk for infection, you should skip home remedies and seek professional medical treatment.

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    Ariella Nail Fungus Treatment

    O-hydroxybenzoic acid is a powerful antifungal agent and is at the heart of the Ariella Nail Fungus Treatment formula. Ariella mixes it with other ingredients that attack the fungus cell walls and facilitate the activity of the O-hydroxybenzoic acid.

    What we like: Ariella Nail Fungus Treatment goes after nail fungus with a potent one-two punch that weakens it and then takes it out. Other ingredients restore the nail tissue once it is free of the fungi.

    Flaws: Must use two or three times per day in order to see benefits.

    How Do Dermatologists Diagnose Nail Fungus

    How to cure toenail fungus quickly

    To find out if a patient has nail fungus, a dermatologist examines your nails and nearby skin. Its important to check the skin because the fungus can spread. You may already have a skin infection caused by fungus like athletes foot.

    To get rid of the infection, you will need to treat all infected areas.

    Before giving you the diagnosis, your dermatologist may also take some samples. Collecting a bit of debris from beneath a nail, trimming off part your nail, or scraping off a bit of skin can be very helpful. In a lab, these samples can be examined under a microscope to find out whats causing the problem.

    Are you hiding an infected nail with nail polish?

    Be sure to ask your dermatologist if you can wear nail polish while treating nail fungus.

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    How Fungi Infect The Nail

    Onchomycosis, or toenail fungal infection, is an invasion by a microscopic organism that thrives in warm, damp environments. Fungal spores are in the air, and they will grow if they land on a receptive surface like your toenail. They feed off the nail tissues, burrowing into the skin under the nail. Over time the nail thickens and may lift off the nail bed as fungal debris accumulates. Once your nail is raised off the nail bed, it won’t reattach, and a new nail won’t grow from that part of the nail bed. However, your nail will continue to grow from the root at the base.

    The Danger Of Waiting To Treat The Fungus

    The greatest danger of not treating the foot or toenail fungus is that it can spread to other parts of the body, such as the hands and groin.

    If for some reason you cant treat your toenails or your feet right away, at least use an antifungal topical cream on the surrounding skin, Dr. Ng says. That will help keep it from spreading and keep the skin intact.

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    Stop This Skin Infection In Its Tracks With These Over

    Our editors independently research, test, and recommend the bestproducts, and articles are reviewed by healthcare professionals for medical accuracy. Youcan learn more about ourreview process here.We may receive commissions on purchases made from our chosen links.

    Verywell Health / Sabrina Jiang

    Toenail fungus is a common fungal condition that often starts after a rash on the foot spreads to the nails. When mild, it looks like white and yellow spots growing under the nail beds. But if left untreated, the fungus can grow severely by hardening the nails and spreading to other toes.

    The fungus often begins in the form of athlete’s foot between the toes or on the soles of the feet. At this stage, the fungal infection is easier to treat with over-the-counter medication. But Shari Lipner, MD, a board-certified dermatologist at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medicine, told Verywell Health toenail fungus can be difficult to treat because of how slow the nails grow. The more severe the toenail fungus, the thicker the nail, and the more nails involved makes it that much harder to treat the nails even with effective therapies, she says.

    Diagnosing the fungal infection early is key to make treatments effective. Dr. Lipner recommends visiting a board-certified dermatologist to properly treat the infection if it grows to be too severe.

    Here are a few of the best over-the-counter toenail fungus treatments on the market.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Fungal Nail Infection

    How To Use Vicks To Treat & Cure Toenail Fungus – FAST EASY REMEDY

    Often the only symptom is difficulty trimming your nails but other symptoms of fungal nail infections are:

    • The nail gets thicker.
    • Change in colour of some or all of your nail turns yellow, white, blue, purple or black.
    • The skin near the nail may itch, or crack.
    • Pain around the nail area which can make it uncomfortable to walk or exercise or put on shoes.

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    Natural Home Remedies For Fungal Nail Infection Hydrogen Peroxide And Vinegar

    This method will last for 3 days.

    The first days, you soak your affected nails into a proper amount of 5% vinegar for about 5 minutes. During the process of soaking, pres and release your nails several times to make sure the vinegar can absorb under your nails. Rinse it off with water before patting it dry.

    The 2nd day, you soak your affected nails into a proper amount of 2% hydrogen peroxide for 5 minutes or so. Repeat the same routine as the 1st day.

    The 3rd day, you repeat what you did in the 1st day. On the 4th day, repeat the 2nd day.

    Do this method for about 3 weeks to get noticeable results. However, you should not combine both hydrogen peroxide and vinegar because it can forms peracetic acid which may have different properties that you are not aware of.

    How To Prevent Both Foot And Toenail Fungus

    While toenail fungus and foot fungus arent the same condition, the following tips can help you prevent both, says Sundling:

    • Practice good hygiene, such as keeping your feet clean.
    • Alternate your shoes during the week. Your feet sweat all day long. Alternating your shoes allows them to dry out, so the fungus cant survive.
    • Wear moisture-wicking socks that help dry out shoes and kill fungus. You can find these at running stores and athletic stores. If your socks are exceptionally sweaty, changing them more than once per day can help.
    • Wear shoes in public places like locker rooms, pools, and gyms to limit exposure to fungus.

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    Hywean Toenail Fungus Nail Treatment

    The Hywean Toenail Fungus Nail Treatment uses a four-step method to ensure effective treatment of nail fungus and complete recovery of the affected tissue.

    What we like: The Hywean Nail Treatment system is very easy to use and often starts to show results in as little as two or three weeks. If the infection is not severe, your nail may be completely clear in eight weeks.

    Flaws: Does a good job on less serious cases. Not so great on long-simmering cases.

    What Other Conditions Can Be Mistaken For Fungal Nails

    How to get rid of Toenail Fungus

    Here are some other conditions you may have instead of fungal nails:

  • Lines and ridges: These are common and may be considered normal. They may worsen during pregnancy. A large groove down the center of the nail can be caused by nail biting. Some people may develop these changes following chemotherapy.
  • Senile nails: As you age, the nails become brittle and develop ridges and separation of the nail layers at the end of the nail. To avoid this, try to clean solutions and don’t soak the nails in water.
  • Whitish or yellowish nails can occur due to onycholysis. This means separation of the nail from the nail bed. The color you see is air beneath the nail. The treatment is to trim the nail short, don’t clean under it, polish if you want to hide the color, and wait two to three months. Persistent onycholysis can make the nails susceptible to fungal infection.
  • Red or black nails due to a hematoma, or blood under the nail, usually occur from trauma . The discolored area will grow out with the nail and be trimmed off as you trim your nails. If you have a black spot under your nail that was not caused by trauma, you may want to see a dermatologist or a podiatrist if it involves a toenail to make sure it is not melanoma . A simple biopsy can rule out malignancy .
  • Trichophyton

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    What Can You Do To Help Prevent Fungal Nail

    Maintain good foot hygiene and check and trim your nails on a regular basis. Nails should be cut or filed straight across . Always make sure your nail clippers are disinfected

    Look out for athlete’s foot in the skin between the toes and treat with an antifungal cream as it can soon spread to the nails

    Wear shoes that fit well and have enough space to allow your feet to ‘breathe’ a little this reduces the possibility of warm, moist environments where the fungi can breed

    Throw out old shoes, especially trainers

    Wear cotton socks and change them regularly

    Don’t share your towels and socks with other people

    Avoid walking around barefoot in public spaces wear flip flops or sandals around the pool or in public changing rooms and showers

    Don’t use the same nail accessories or tools on your infected nail as the nails which are clear

    What Is The Best Nail Fungus Treatment

    If, like millions of others in the U.S. and abroad you suffer from nail fungus, you are probably determined to get rid of this embarrassing condition as quickly as possible. But this benign disease is remarkably difficult to treat and modern medicine has a hard time addressing the issue effectively. So what is the best nail fungus treatment today?

    If you are confused and lack information on the options available for curing toenail fungus, this review will empower you with reliable information on the treatments available for curing this common disease.


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    A Pharmacist Can Help With Fungal Nail Infections

    Speak to a pharmacist if the look of your nail bothers you or it’s painful.

    They may suggest:

    • antifungal nail cream it can take up to 12 months to cure the infection and does not always work
    • nail-softening cream it’s used for 2 weeks to soften the nail so the infected part can be scraped off

    The infection is cured when you see healthy nail growing back at the base.

    Epidemiology Of Toenail Fungus

    5 Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus – Toe Fungus Journey

    The occurrence of onychomycosis has been reported 23% across Europe and 20% in East Asia. In north America the statistics are found to be 14%, with fungal infections constituting the 50% of nail related diseases. Since this infection is contagious and can be transmitted directly or by using the belongings of an infected person, this serves as the reason for such wide spread rate of this infection.

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    Thyme Oil For Toenail Fungus Treatment

    Thyme/thymol oil is a very effective essential oil. If you are suing the oregano oil for nail fungus but want to have a change as both these oils can take months to show some results, you can alternate these two oils.

    The reason why we are suggesting you alternate these two is the similarities in construction.

    The oregano oil and thyme oil have an 85% similar structuring. Both have the strongest compounds for fungus and bacterial infections. They have the carvacrol, and thymol.

    Along with it, the thyme oil has camphor, borneol, and linalool.

    To use the thyme oil, you need to find a carrier oil, the best carrier oil for thyme oil can be the mustard and coconut oil.

    However, if you feel annoyed by the mustard oil, you can try the olive oil or any other pleasant fragrant oil.

    How to use thyme oil remedy for nail fungus treatment?

    • Apply it directly, take a few drops of thyme oil and rub it on your entire foot. Many people think that applying it on the infected spot is enough, which is not. You need to detoxify the entire foot, because a lot of times the bacteria residing on the skin can support the growth of the nail fungus.
    • Mix it in a foot soak. If you are making a foot soak of baking soda/Epson salt/ Hydrogen per oxide, mix a few drops of the diluted thyme oil in it.
    • Make a paste with baking soda and thyme oil. It is a least known treatment and is mainly applied with clove oil, but you can shuffle the clove oil with thyme oil as well.

    Cons of using thyme oil

    Three Natural Remedies Achieved A High Consumer Satisfaction Rate

    #1 EmoniNail

    Remedy Type: Over-the-counter Application: Very easyGuarantee: 60 day money-back guarantee, no question askedCustomer Care: 5 / 5

    Cost: $59.95 Discount: Up to 40% Shipping: FreeSupply:


    EmoniNail is an innovative OTC treatment that was launched in 2012 by a team of pharmacological experts and practicing physicians at GG Healthworks Inc.

    Our recent study confirmed the value of this product and concluded that EmoniNail is today the #1 nail fungus treatment in terms of effectiveness and consumer satisfaction.

    Over the past years EmoniNail has won a solid reputation with over 12,000 users that eliminated nail fungus. Today EmoniNail represents the best alternative to products listed above and it offers the most effective treatment for getting rid of nail fungus.

    What makes EmoniNail superior to other treatments is first a well-balanced formulation that contains powerful anti-fungal agents such as the FDA-recognized Undecylenic Acid along with other ingredients that prevent skin irritation. This ideal balance between acid and soothing ingredients enables to apply EmoniNail twice a day to penetrate the infected nail and kill the fungus in the shortest period of time with no skin irritation and no dangerous side effects.

    EmoniNail outstanding customer care is also a unique benefit given to users to help them achieve the best results.



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